Basic Negotiation Skills Workshop: Schedule and Learning Outcomes

Morning Session 0900-13:00hrs - What is Negotiation? - Learn to understand what a BATNA  (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) and a ZOPA  (zone of possible agreement) are, and how to map out a negotiation. 

Harvard Law School: Orange Exercise - Learn to create value in a negotiation, not just claim value in this dispute between two children over a piece of fruit. Learn to identify the traits of a hard and soft positional negotiator.

Learn the Harvard method of principled negotiation and how you can use it to overcome resistance to your position by bargaining over interests and needs.

Coffee break

Harvard Law School Simulation: Oil Pricing - Learn to define what constitutes a “good outcome” in a negotiation over a vital commodity which drives our economy and the consequences that has in this simulation of trading crude oil. Is it “to win”, “to beat the other side", “to avoid losing” “to protect your reputation”?

Group discussion – How you earn your reputation as a negotiator as you manage the balance between being competitive versus cooperative. Learn to manage the inherent tensions in a negotiation, and how to negotiate at different levels of trust.

1300-1400hrs - Lunch

Afternoon session 1400-17:30hrs - Harvard Law School Simulation: Sally Soprano - Learn to move from a limited positional point of view to an interest- based outcome in which both parties can benefit in negotiating an employment contract between an Opera House and a Diva.

Group discussion - Sharing experiences. What common negotiation tactics did you encounter such as extreme demands, escalating demands, lock-in tactics, take-it-or leave-it, phoney facts, dubious intentions, personal attacks, and threats? How did you handle them?

Coffee break

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Exercise - Learn to recognise the different approaches to negotiation in this self-scoring test. Are you competitive; collaborative; an accommodator; an avoider or do you favour compromising?

Harvard Business School Case Study: Luna Pen Learn to identify these same five temperaments in other negotiators at the bargaining table and calculate your negotiating strategy accordingly in this simulation of a dispute between a woman representing a German manufacturing company and an Asian man whose company is their distributor in Taiwan. (Electronic Voting)



"For six years, Samuel Passow presented a stimulating and rewarding 'negotiations experience' to the University of Kent MBA class, which was an inherent part of the curriculum. Students found the sessions engaging, relevant, stimulating and rewarding. The negotiation workshop is perhaps the most appropriate intervention to any graduate school program and particularly to the MBA."

Rajendra S. Shirole - Director of MBA Programs, University of Kent Business School (2008-2013), now Associate Dean and Professor of International Business at Hult International Business School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.